Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that you find R.I.P. Fleas Extra easy and straightforward to use. However we do sometimes get questions about use of this product, and answers to 20 of the most common ones can be found below. Just click on the relevant question and the answer will appear. We hope you find the answer to your question here, but if not, please contact us.

Assuming you have correctly followed the 5 step guide to using R.I.P. Fleas Extra and have also treated your pet(s) with an appropriate product, if you are still seeing fleas and/or getting bitten this is more than likely due to the pupal window effect. No environmental flea spray is effective against pupae, so new adult fleas will continue to emerge from the pupae into the environment after spraying. Once the adult fleas emerge, they will be killed by both R.I.P. Fleas Extra and the product you have applied to your pet. Depending on the severity of the infestation, it can take several months to fully resolve.

Do not spray bedding, pillows or mattresses. Remove bedding before spraying bedrooms. Wash bedding on a high heat (60°C) to kill flea eggs and larvae and vacuum mattresses regularly. Eggs and larvae will not typically develop in human bedding or mattresses.

Yes. However, before spraying large areas of soft furnishings, treat a small inconspicuous patch first and allow to dry to confirm compatibility with the fabric. All furniture should be moved and the entire floor area sprayed.

Yes – all floor types should be sprayed. Eggs, larvae and pupae can inhabit the dark hollows and crevices that can be found between wooden floorboards. Care should be taken as some floor areas may become slippery after spraying.

Yes, pets’ bedding can be sprayed. Wait at least 1 hour after spraying (after which time the bedding should be dry to the touch) before allowing your pet to use their bed again. Alternatively, the bedding could be washed on a high heat (60°C) to kill flea eggs and larvae.

Yes. Ensure all areas to which your pet has access are sprayed.

Spray with the windows closed then open immediately after spraying.

Ventilate for a minimum of 1 hour before pets and people are allowed to re-enter the room.

The house should be vacuumed thoroughly prior to spraying. This allows R.I.P. Fleas Extra to penetrate deep into carpet fibres. Where possible, move large items of furniture and vacuum and spray underneath. You should also vacuum rapidly 24 hours after spraying and thereafter at least twice weekly for the next two weeks. The vibrations and warmth create a stimulus for adult fleas to emerge from the otherwise impenetrable pupae and shortens the pupal window. A handy hint is to vacuum living areas before going to bed and bedrooms in the morning. This will mean that rooms are vacant after vacuuming, reducing the chance of fleas biting you.

Floors and carpets can be washed before spraying, but they should be allowed to dry thoroughly prior to spraying R.I.P. Fleas Extra. Floors and carpets should not be washed soon after spraying, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the product. If possible wait at least 2 weeks after R.I.P. Fleas Extra has been sprayed before washing hard floors.



R.I.P. Fleas Extra contains 2 pyrethroid insecticides – permethrin and tetramethrin. All pyrethroid insecticides are essentially toxic to ‘cold-blooded’ species including fish, reptiles and beneficial insects (such as bees). It is therefore recommended that fish tanks are either removed from the room, or if this is not possible, wholly covered (for example, with thick blankets) and the aerator pump switched off before spraying. Any floor-residing aerator pumps should, where possible, be raised off the floor during the application process. Vivaria should be treated similarly. Whilst the threat to cage birds is lower, birds and bird cages should also be removed from the room before spraying. Immediately after spraying, open windows and ventilate the room for at least 1 hour. Make sure all spray mist has settled and all surfaces are dry before allowing animals to re-enter the room and before removing any covering from fish tanks or vivaria and switching the aerator pump back on.



R.I.P. Fleas Extra contains permethrin which is toxic to cats. Even though R.I.P. Fleas Extra contains a relatively low concentration of permethrin it is recommended to remove all cats and kittens from the room being sprayed. Immediately after spraying, open windows and ventilate the room for at least 1 hour. Make sure all spray mist has settled and all surfaces are dry before allowing cats and kittens to re-enter the room. It is important you allow your cat free access to all rooms in the house after this period of ventilation, as the presence of your cat will provide a stimulus for pupae to hatch.

No specific precautions for pregnant women appear on the label for R.I.P. Fleas Extra. However, because treating an entire house correctly can be quite labour-intensive (requiring items of heavy furniture to be moved, vacuuming etc.) it is probably advisable to allocate the spraying to another person in the household. Immediately after spraying, open windows and ventilate the room for at least 1 hour. Make sure all spray mist has settled and all surfaces are dry before allowing any persons (including pregnant women) to re-enter the room. Read the label before use and adhere to the safety advice.

Yes, though ensure that babies and young children are excluded from the room during spraying. Immediately after spraying, open windows and ventilate the room for at least 1 hour. Make sure all spray mist has settled and all surfaces are dry before allowing any persons (including babies and young children) to re-enter the room. Read the label before use and adhere to the safety advice.

R.I.P. Fleas Extra is an aerosol containing permethrin, tetramethrin, S-methoprene and fragrance. These ingredients have no known association with triggering asthma and there are no specific precautions advised for asthma sufferers on the label for R.I.P. Fleas Extra. However it may be advisable for another person to carry out the spraying if you suffer from severe asthma or if you have previously experienced problems with aerosol sprays or any of the ingredients. Immediately after spraying, open windows and ventilate the room for at least 1 hour. Make sure all spray mist has settled and all surfaces are dry before allowing any persons to re-enter the room. Read the label before use and adhere to the safety advice.

Yes, R.I.P. Fleas Extra is fully approved for the control of house dust mites. R.I.P. Fleas Extra contains two pyrethroids – permethrin and tetramethrin. Pyrethroids are effective acaricides, and therefore R.I.P. Fleas Extra will kill mites including house dust mites. House dust mites are one of the main allergens involved in allergic skin disease in dogs, and have also been implicated in asthma in people. Dead house dust mites are just as capable of causing an allergic reaction as live ones, so it is therefore essential that a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate filter is used regularly to remove dead house dust mites.

R.I.P. Fleas Extra contains two pyrethroid insecticides (permethrin and tetramethrin), and an insect growth regulator (S-methoprene). These ingredients are known to be effective against the majority of insects and arachnids, but Dechra have no data to support the efficacy of R.I.P. Fleas Extra against any species other than fleas, dust mites and ticks.

R.I.P. Fleas Extra is indicated for indoor use only. The product was not specifically designed for outdoor use and therefore Dechra cannot guarantee efficacy for a full 12 month period when the product is used outside or in hutches / kennels / chicken houses. It is important that all bedding / straw is removed prior to spraying. Ventilate for at least 1 hour, and ensure that all spray mist has settled and surfaces are dry before allowing animals to re-enter.

No, R.I.P. Fleas Extra does not have an expiry date.

The permethrin in R.I.P. Fleas Extra is a fast-acting, long-lasting insecticide which will kill any adult fleas and flea larvae it comes into contact with.

The S-methoprene in R.I.P. Fleas Extra is a long-lasting insect growth regulator which prevents flea eggs and larvae from developing into adults for up to 12 months.

Therefore, R.I.P. Fleas Extra protects your home against flea infestations for up to 12 months.